
The prevalence of cognitive impairment in people over 65 years of age increased significantly in 2020-2021, combined with manifestations of asthenic-depressive and anxiety symptoms.Asthenia in the elderly is manifested by high fatigue and emaciation with an extremely unstable mood, weakening of self-control, impatience, sleep disturbance, memory loss. Cognitive impairments in this category of patients are a significant risk of developing dementia. In the concept of the development of mixed dementia, both neurodegenerative and ischemic components are present in pathogenesis. Depending on the severity, cognitive impairment is classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Mild cognitive impairments are detected only with the most sensitive neuropsychological tests and do not affect daily activity, however, as a rule, they are subjectively aware and cause anxiety. With a moderate severity of cognitive disorders, impairments are not only detected using special techniques, but are also noticeable in everyday communication with the patient. At the same time, difficulties may arise in the most difficult types of professional or social activity, although in general patients remain independent and independent. Severe cognitive impairments require outside help and care, and such patients are treated inpatients [1,2,4].

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