
Introduction..- Climatic Changes..- Man's impact on atmosphere and climate: a global threat? Strategies to combat global warming..- Ecological interpretation of climate projections..- Western European regional climate scenarios in a high greenhouse gas world and agricultural impacts..- Elevated Carbon-Dioxide Concentrations..- The primary productivity of Puccinellia maritima and Spartina anglica: a simple predictive model of response to climatic change..- Direct effects of elevated CO2 concentration levels on grass and clover in 'model-ecosystems'..- Effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on salt-marsh plants..- Temperature Changes..- The geographic distribution of seaweed species in relation to temperature: present and past..- Expected effects of changing seawater temperatures on the geographic distribution of seaweed species..- Expected biological effects of long-term changes in temperatures on benthic ecosystems in coastal waters around The Netherlands..- Expected effects of changes in winter temperatures on benthic animals living in soft sediments in coastal North Sea areas..- Effects of temperature changes on infaunal circalittoral bivalves, particularly T. tenuis and T. fabula..- Expected efffects of temperature changes on estuarine fish populations..- Sea-Level Rises..- Sea-level changes and tidal-flat characteristics..- Long-term beach and shoreface changes, NW Jutland, Denmark: effects of a change in wind direction..- Climate change, sea level rise and morphological developments in the Dutch Wadden Sea, a marine wetland..- Sea-level rise and coastal sedimentation in central Noord-Holland (The Netherlands) around 5000 BP: a case study of changes in sedimentation dynamics and sediment distribution patterns..- Ecological impact of sea level rise on coastal ecosystems of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France)..- Consequences of sea level rise: implications from the Mississippi Delta..- Possible effects of sea level changes on salt-marsh vegetation..- Salt marshes in The Netherlands Wadden Sea: rising high-tide levels and accreation enhancement..- Inshore birds of the soft coasts and sea-level rise..- UV-B Radiation..- Effects of increased solar UV-B radiation on coastal marine ecosystems: an overview..- Expected changes in Dutch coastal vegetation resulting from enhanced levels of solar UV-B..

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