ABSTRACT This study describes a significant upgrade to the particulate matter (PM) size disaggregation profile library used for preparing emissions files for the GEM-MACH (Global Environmental Multiscale-Modelling Air-quality and CHemistry) chemical transport model (CTM). This model uses a sectional (bin) approach to represent the PM size distribution, where one configuration employs 12 size bins to disaggregate PM2.5 and PM10 inventory emissions into the first 10 bins ranging from 0.01 to 10.24 μm in diameter. For the size disaggregation step, a small library of three generic PM size disaggregation profiles is currently applied for three broad source categories (area, mobile, and point). However, as might be expected, these generic profiles are not always representative: for example, emissions from two very different area sources ‒ paved road dust and residential wood combustion ‒ are disaggregated using the same generic size distribution profile. In order to improve the current small PM size disaggregation profile library, a comprehensive literature review was conducted: over 100 relevant publications were identified and PM size distribution profiles for 36 different emission source types were selected and compiled. These 36 source-type-specific PM size distribution profiles were then combined based on process type with corresponding PM speciation profiles to create a library of chemically speciated and size-resolved PM disaggregation profiles. This library can now be used by the SMOKE (Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions) emissions processing system for the 12-bin version of GEM-MACH to perform PM chemical speciation and size allocation in one step. The size-profile data collected and compiled in this study may also be used for emissions processing for other CTMs with a size-resolved representation of PM. Details of the compilation of the 36 PM size disaggregation profiles are discussed, and the differences in processed PM emissions based on the current and updated PM size disaggregation profile libraries are shown. Implications: A new and expanded particulate matter (PM) size disaggregation profile library covering 36 emission source types has been developed based on an extensive literature review. Its use can produce significant changes in the size allocation of bulk PM inventory emissions processed for input to size-resolved PM chemical transport models. Such models are used to predict atmospheric visibility and to simulate the interactions of aerosol particles with atmospheric radiation and with clouds. The use of more accurate, size-resolved primary PM emissions by these models should improve their predictive skill for atmospheric PM processes affecting air quality, meteorology, and climate.
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