
Abstract Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a prevalent musculoskeletal injury affecting both athletes and non-athletes, characterized by anterior knee pain. Diagnosis can be difficult due to similar symptoms with other conditions. Treatment should focus on overall rehabilitation, including strengthening and stretching exercises, rest, ice, bracing and taping. The knee joint is complex and plays an important role in daily activities, but is also one of the most commonly injured joints.This study was conducted at the University of Erbil Technical and Medical Health College to investigate PFPS in college students aged between 20-40 years there were 102 participants. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data on biographic information. It was found that instead of the knee pain is more among the athletic group but the result statistically insignificant predictor of knee pain among the study participants P-value = 0.823. Finally, our study concluded that athletic and non-athletic developed PFPS , but athletic more than non- athletic , male and female affected by this condition, also types of exercises have effect according to results strengthen and stretching exercise they do for example football, fitness caused PFPS.

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