
The electronic and optical properties of exciton states in GaInNAs/GaAs coupled quantum well (CQW) structure have been theoretically investigated by solving the Schrödinger equation in real space. The effect of well width on the exciton states has been also studied by varying the well width from 5 nm to 10 nm in asymmetric structures. The electron, hole and exciton states are calculated in the presence of an applied electric field. It is found that there are two direct (bright) exciton states with the largest oscillator strengths. Their energies weakly depend on the electric field due to the compensation between the blue shift and red shift of the electron–hole pair states. In addition, these two states are overlap in the case of symmetric CQWs and one of them is then shifted to higher energy in asymmetric CQWs. The ground state exciton has the binding energy of approximately 7.3 meV and decrease to around 3.0 meV showing the direct to indirect transition of the ground state. The direct–indirect crossover is observed at different electric field for different structure. It happens at the electric field when the e1–e2 electron anticrossing or h1–h2 hole anticrossings is observed, so that the crossover can be controlled by the well width of CQWs structure.

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