
As part of the project LBA‐EUSTACH (European Studies on Trace gases and Atmospheric Chemistry as a contribution to the Large‐Scale Biosphere‐Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia), the exchange of formic acid and acetic acid between vegetation and the atmosphere was investigated in the wet‐to‐dry season transition and the dry‐to‐wet season transition periods in 1999 in Rondônia, Brazil. Direct exchange measurements on the branch level mainly exhibited uptake of formic acid and acetic acid for all plant species in both seasons, although diel, seasonal, and interspecies variations were observed. Even though other physiological and physico‐chemical parameters may have contributed, the uptake of organic acids was found to be primarily a function of the ambient atmospheric mixing ratios. The linear dependence suggests a bidirectional exchange behavior of the plants and calculated deposition velocities (0.17–0.23 cm s−1), compensation point mixing ratios (0.16–0.30 ppb), and potential emission rates under purified air conditions (0.013–0.031 nmol m−2 s−1) are discussed. Vertical profile measurements in and above the primary forest canopy further strengthened the assumption that the forest is rather a sink than a source for organic acids. The generally lower mixing ratios observed within the canopy were indicative of an uptake by vegetation and/or the soil surface. Continuous measurements of the ambient atmospheric mixing ratios at the canopy top revealed strong diel variations in both seasons and a marked seasonality with higher mixing ratios during the dry season, both being mirrored in the variation of observed uptake rates of the plants. High atmospheric concentrations during the dry season were attributed to biomass burning. During the wet season, when biomass burning activity was low, indirect emission by the vegetation, i.e., photochemical oxidation of primarily emitted biogenic reactive hydrocarbons, was assumed to dominantly contribute to the atmospheric burden of the organic acids. The high degree of correlation between atmospheric formic acid and acetic acid indicated that similar atmospheric processes were affecting their mixing ratios.

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