
TikTok is a social networking platform for uploading short films that has grown in popularity among young students. However, its promise as an e-learning platform attributes has yet to be realized. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of TikTok that contribute to students' acceptance of it as an e-learning platform attributes at Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA. It entails examining aspects like usability, interactivity, content relevancy, and user engagement. The study's goal is to investigate how much these characteristics influence students' acceptance of TikTok as an e-learning tool. A quantitative data collection method being used. SPSS was performed to analyzed the proposed hypotheses. Finding showed that useful insights into TikTok's potential as an e-learning platform attributes and its qualities as perceived by Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA students. It will add to the existing e-learning literature and give recommendations for educators and policymakers on how to effectively integrate TikTok into educational practices.

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