Despite the efforts to adopt a learner-centered approach in education, teacher-centred activities are still in use in classroom practices. Practices during primary school years are of critical importance in order for students to be learners who can take their own responsibility. For this reason, it is significant to examine the teaching methods employed by primary school teachers together with their teaching learning approaches and the variables related to these approaches. The aim of the present study is to examine a structural equation model consisting of the variables of epistemological beliefs, general self-efficacy, individual innovativeness and experience specified to explain primary school teachers’ teaching approaches and to determine the moderating role of gender in this model. While primary school teachers’ teaching approaches and the relationships among these variables have been examined separately by various studies, no holistic study has been found to look into all of them over a single model. Such a study is considerably important both for its contribution to the literature and for planning and offering the support required by teachers for their professional development. Data were collected from 300 teachers within the scope of the study. The results of the path analysis show that the constructivist approaches of primary teachers are directly and positively correlated with the effort dimension of epistemological beliefs and individual innovativeness. Traditional approach sub-dimension, on the other hand, has a direct and positive relationship with the ability and one truth sub-dimensions of epistemological beliefs. Among the variables examined, “effort” has the strongest relationship with the constructivist approach. Moreover, individual innovativeness, which is both directly and indirectly related with teaching-learning approaches, has a stronger relationship with the constructivist approach compared with the traditional approach. Based on the results of the present study, taking these variables into consideration is significant to offer the support required by teachers who have a key role in putting the changes in education system into practice effectively and to plan professional development programs in line with their needs. It could be recommended that these variables be considered in studies concerning the efficiency of professional development programs and that change be monitored in longitudinal studies.
Eğitim sisteminde öğrenen merkezli anlayışa geçme çabalarına rağmen, sınıf içi uygulamalarda öğretmen merkezli etkinlikler sürmektedir
Bartlett testi sonucu anlamlı bulunduğundan (p
Tablonun sağ tarafında Epistemolojik İnançlar Ölçeği (EİÖ) alt boyutlar arasındaki korelasyon matrisi verilmiştir
Tablonun sağ tarafında ÖÖAÖ’nün alt boyutları arasındaki korelasyon matrisi verilmiştir. EİÖ’ye ilişkin yakınsama geçerliği ve ıraksama geçerliğinin bir başka versiyonu olan ayırt edici geçerlik teknikleri uygulanmış elde edilen veriler Tablo 3’te sunulmuştur. Tablo 3’te ilgili ölçekten elde edilen veriler için Alfa iç tutarlılık katsayısı ve yapı güvenirliği elde edilmiştir. Her iki değer .70’den büyük olduğu için ölçme sonuçlarının güvenilir olduğu söylenebilir (George ve Mallery, 2019). Ayırt edici geçerlik için ise EİÖ alt boyutları arasındaki korelasyonlar ve OAV değerlerinin karekökleri kullanılmış, elde edilen veriler Tablo 4’te sunulmuştur. Buna göre bir alt boyuta ait OAV değerlerinin o alt boyut ile diğer alt boyutlar arasındaki korelasyondan küçük olmaması ve .50’den büyük olması gerekmektedir (Fornell ve Larcker, 1981).
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