
The study was conducted in Mwanza region to assess the roles of information and communication technologies to effective and convenient bank services delivery in Tanzania. Specifically, the study analysed the infrastructures, updated information technology, adequate security system and performance of ATM technology on banking service delivery. The study used exploratory research design and it was carried out in commercial banks found in Ilemela and Nyamagana administrative districts of Mwanza region. Convenient and purposive sampling were adopted to select participants with undisputed knowledge on ICT banking. The sample of 215 bank customers, 52 bank employees and 2 representatives from the regulatory bodies were involved in this study. The data were collected by using observation, interview and questionnaires tools. Data was analysed statistically using the Inferential statistics with an aid of SPSS. According to findings 62.8% of all respondents, own ATM cards and 34.6% and 76.6% of all respondents agreed that ATM is useful in banking services delivery, 92.9% of respondents that ATM services are convenient, 66.2% stated that ATM transaction costs are reasonable and fair. Also, 80.6% of respondents agreed that ATM are reliable all day and night.

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