
We study a hybrid system where the demand of customers can be satisfied by both manufacturing new products and remanufacturing used products. To manage the serviceable inventory, we implement a proportional order-up-to (POUT) replenishment policy. In this context, we first analyse the system efficiency by assessing its capacity to meet customer demand in a cost-effective manner. To this end, we consider both inventory performance (i.e., the balance between inventory holding and stock-out costs) and production smoothness (by measuring the Bullwhip effect in the supply chain). Second, we investigate the system resilience to demand volatility. In particular, we explore the impact of demand shocks on the inventory and production of the closed-loop system. Interestingly, we find that tuning the POUT controller to optimise efficiency may be problematic in terms of resilience to demand shocks. In this sense, a key trade-off exists that needs to be carefully considered by supply chain managers. Linking efficiency to resilience in such supply chains thus becomes essential to strengthen the transition towards more circular economic models. All in all, our analysis, via control-theoretic and simulation techniques, provides professionals with valuable insights into how to identify the appropriate ‘formula’ for building both efficient and resilient closed-loop supply chains.

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