This study examines the impact of mobile shopping adoption drivers on the attitude towards mobile shopping apps and mobile shopping loyalty. Furthermore, the mediating role of attitude as well as the moderated mediation role of national culture (i.e., uncertainty avoidance and collectivism) will be examined. Adopting the stimulus–organism–response model in a mobile shopping context, a survey of 250 participants was conducted. AMOS and Hayes’s PROCESS macro were used to test the mediation and the moderated mediation. Findings show that adoption’s drivers have a positive relationship with the attitude towards mobile shopping and loyalty. It also emphasizes the mediating effect of attitude and moderated mediation effects of culture. Originality of this study stems from that it is one of the very few that attempts to examine the attitude towards mobile shopping as a mediator in the relationships between mobile shopping adoption drivers and mobile shopping loyalty. It also highlights the moderated mediation effects of both uncertainty avoidance and collectivism in these relationships, which were also largely ignored in previous research.
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