
A total of 416 individual blood samples from 17 species of birds, mostly from eastern North America, were examined for antibody to the Bryan strain of Rous sarcoma virus. Evidence for antibody was found only in free-living young domestic chickens. Six types of gallinaceous birds, including domestic chickens, were also examined for antibodies to the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of virus and were also found to be negative. On direct inoculation, tumors were produced in Red Jungle Fowl and Japanese Quail with both strains of virus. Pekin Ducks, Starlings, and Brown-headed Cowbirds were resistant to both strains of virus. Guinea Fowl inoculated with the Bryan strain were also resistant. Susceptibility of tissue cultures of embryos of various species was examined with the Bryan strain of RSV. Japanese Quail cultures were susceptible while those of Redwinged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, Black Ducks, and Green Herons were resistant.

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