
In this study, it is researched health buildings by the visions of new sciences what are bioharmology and bioterm. The Firat Medical Center, has been researched and included of the study, is a sufficent position in the topics of, construction and decoration materials, illuminance level, indoor air quality, chemicals and medical effluents, construction physics, construction system of P2-O Block. However; it can be spoken that there are some insufficiencies about topics of, noise level, fire security, indoor heat levels, indoor humidty levels, external materias and woodworks and construction system of P2-P1 block. It can be done some improves at some areas has low indoor humidity level by special systems. To plant trees arround the hospital can help solution of external noise problem a little. It must be applicated special noise insulations for areas has huge noise problem. However, emergency exits must be open and usefull 24 hours very definitely.

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