
This article presents a detailed report on the results of technical and technological examinations of the painting Carrying the Cross from the collection of the Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Gallery of Arts, namely: microchemical analysis, stratigraphy, infrared reflectography, radiography, and macrography. The author investigates the main technical and technological characteristics of the work, such as: the structure of the painting layer, materials and pigments of the painting, their chemical composition, microtexture, features of the preparatory drawing, etc. Also, in the context of the presented material, the paper focuses on the external characteristics and stylistic features of the painting. The results of examination, their analysis and comparison to the available relevant samples were used for solving problematic issues related to the attribution of the artwork. The author proposes and substantiates the hypotheses about the origin of the artwork, its dating, and authorship.

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