
The analysis of academic performance of students is an important concern for the universities and colleges of higher learning as it is very important for planning and management of the teaching pedagogy. There is a need for the system to examine and assess the result of students in order to understand how effective the existing education system is accessing the factors for academic performance is also important so that students can be assisted to develop their individual academic performance in the university. Result analysis of universities is the process of evaluating and interpreting data related to the academic performance of students. This can be done for various purposes, such as to identify strengths and weaknesses in the education system, to monitor student progress and support, and to make informed decisions about academic policies and programs. The first step in conducting a result analysis is to gather data. This may include exam scores, grades, attendance records, and demographic information. The data is then organized and processed using statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, to generate meaningful insights. Another important aspect of result analysis is comparing the performance of different groups of students, such as those from different socioeconomic backgrounds or with different learning needs. This can help to identify disparities in the education system and to target resources and support where they are needed most. Finally, result analysis can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of various academic programs and initiatives. For example, data can be analysed to determine the impact of a new teaching method or the effectiveness of a tutoring program. This information can be used to inform future decisions and to continuously improve the quality of education. The existing system is done manually where the faculty members of university analyse it which is time consuming and frustrating. This project is intended to focus on the interaction of different factors and the role that they play to the performance of students in academics in their college or university. The proposed system will have a UI interface which asks you put URL of results link of OU website and hallticket number range. After clicking submit, it analyses with different parameters and displays all results in organized format automatically.

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