
Electronic word of mouth is a more recent form of word of mouth used by internet users who share and benefit from worldwide information. Online reviews are a very important source of information for tourists. They represent a more modern and a more reliable source of information in decision making process when compared with the content published by the foreign travel agencies. Previous research has shown that the online reviews on websites specialized for hotel ratings made a significant impact on the total number of hotel reservations. The majority of tourists find online reviews very useful and more than half of them will not make a hotel reservation if a hotel has no reviews. Since the private accommodation is quantitatively the most significant accommodation type in Croatia, the goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of electronic word of mouth on the tourist selection of private accommodation for holidays.


  • The foundation of any successful marketing strategy is the initial consumer research and a continuous monitoring of their needs, attitudes and satisfaction

  • Motives for writing reviews (n=75) caring for others reward the householders who delighted me assist renters in improving their accommodation facilities and services a sense of belonging to a group publicly published reviews as this only encourages renters to appreciate them and to react appropriately the possibility of saving because I get discounts by writing reviews on the following reservations correct the record after an unfair review fun References point out the importance of word of mouth marketing especially emphasizing its importance nowadays - the time of digitization

  • It is not surprising that eWOM today has a primary place in the hierarchy of sources on which decisions are made, and great attention is paid to it by both providers and consumers

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The foundation of any successful marketing strategy is the initial consumer research and a continuous monitoring of their needs, attitudes and satisfaction. EWOM is considered a compelling medium because of its great perceived credibility and reliability. It can be defined as: any positive and negative statements of potential, actual or former customers about a product or company, which are DIEM (1) 2022 available to several people and institutions over the internet. Through this type of marketing, anyone can share their thoughts with millions of Internet users and influence the decision of others. Word-ofmouth (WOM) marketing has an important impact on consumer behavior (Litvin et al, 2018; Wilson et al, 2017; Yoon et al, 2017)

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