
The present research examined the environmentally compatible and cost-effective formation of green medicated palladium nanoparticles (EA-PdNPs) utilizing aqueous extracts of Evolvulus alsinoides (EA) and their antibacterial and photocatalytic behaviour. EA aqueous extracts of leaves intervened as a reduction and capping agent. Meanwhile, the physicochemical characteristics and bioactivities of green-treated EA-PdNPs under an alkaline environment remain uncertain. Furthermore, the as-prepared EA-PdNPs seemed to have a face-centered cubic crystal phase with 12 nm particle size, were monodispersed, and demonstrated high stability. The visible region spectra of EA-PdNPs is represented by its optically active area at 426 nm from UV–visible spectroscopy. The chemical state and near surface composition of the EA-PdNPs fabricated from Evolvulus alsinoides leaf extract were clarified using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Both Gram-positive (+ve) Staphylococcus aureus had zone 20.5 ± 0.5 mm and Gram-negative (-ve) Escherichia coli inhibit zone 22.15 ± 0.2 mm were sensitive to the antibacterial effects of the EA-PdNPs at a concentration of 100 µg/mL. Green-treated EA-PdNPs, on the other hand, were employed as photocatalysts investigators, ultimately resulting in 98% degradation of Rhodamine B dye in 120 min. The outstanding catalytic implementation of all synthesized EA-PdNPs on the photodegradation of the researched pollutants was revealed by UV–visible findings, which examined the decrease in absorption coefficient spectral value within an extremely short time. Furthermore, micro crustacean Daphnia magna and zebrafish (Danio rerio) was successfully used to assess the non-toxicity of EA-PdNPs. The key implications of this findings are that EA-PdNPs toxicity depends on concentration. Our outcomes showed that the EA-PdNPs did not demonstrate considerable toxicity to Daphnia magna at high concentrations (100 µg/L) similarly EA-PdNPs did not showed any significant toxicity on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo development at 72 h of post fertilization exposure. Green-treated Pd-NPs produced by Evolvulus alsinoides can be used as probable applicants for biological and clean ecological applications due to their sustainable synthesizing, environmentally friendly, and biocompatibility.

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