
This paper describes the geology and eruptive history of a Quaternary silicic volcanic complex at Shiribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, with a focus on volcanic landforms produced by silicic explosive eruptions that were not associated with caldera collapse. The Shiribetsu volcanic complex comprises a dacitic pyroclastic plateau and an overlying dacitic central dome complex. The pyroclastic plateau is 22 × 25 km in size, < 200 m high, and consists of two ignimbrite units (the Km-1 and Km-2 deposits; SiO2 = 67–68 wt%; total volume ~ 10 km3). The central dome complex is 4–5 km wide, rises to 650 m above the pyroclastic plateau, and comprises two adjoining edifices, which are East and West Shiribetsu (SiO2 = 62–64 wt%; total volume = 1.6 km3). East Shiribetsu has a conical morphology, whereas West Shiribetsu comprises lava flows and a dome, and has a large amphitheater. A debris avalanche deposit (volume = 1 km3) extends from the amphitheater to the western foot of West Shiribetsu. A dacitic lava dome (volume = 0.2 km3) occurs within the amphitheater. According to the stratigraphic relationships and new fission-track dating, the Shiribetsu volcanic complex evolved as follows: (1) dacitic explosive eruptions at ca. 130 ka (Km-2) and 70 ka (Km-1) produced the pyroclastic plateau; (2) effusive dacitic eruptions at 70 ka (East Shiribetsu) and 60 ka (West Shiribetsu) produced the central dome complex; (3) sector collapse occurred at West Shiribetsu at 50–60 ka; and (4) lava dome formation within the amphitheater at 50 ka. The evolution of the Shiribetsu volcanic complex resembles that of ignimbrite shield volcanoes in the central Andes. Shiribetsu may be the first identified example of ignimbrite shield volcanoes in an island arc setting. We suggest that these are an independent class of explosive silicic volcanoes, distinct from calderas, and form above small magma chambers.

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