
The history of computers in the secondary schools all over the world goes back to the late seventies and early eighties of the past century. In Lithuania, the official beginning of informatics as a subject in comprehensive schools can be dated back to 1986 when our Ministry of Education and Science have declared the enactment that all schools should start teaching the course named “Basics of Informatics and Computing”. All things considered, the way in which Lithuanian schools have introduced computers and information technology has been a success story. We have to remember that the present situation has not emerged from nothing but must be seen as a result of a comparatively short time but nevertheless it is extremely full of intensive exploration and work. The leading role was played by a group of researchers from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. After intense studies the cultural-based paradigm of introducing computers in schools (information culture, in a broad sense) has been developed, goals and abilities to deal with information considering the economical, cultural, and sociological aspects have been established. The paper describes the development of Informatics in schools of Lithuania. The main attention is paid to the permanent changes and improvements in designing curricula as well as to didactical approaches.

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