
In The God Delusion Richard Dawkins stated that he was not writing with the intent of converting committed theists but, rather, with the aim of influencing those who were undecided between belief and atheism. After reading The Greatest Show on Earth, I imagine that Dawkins is likewise trying to convince the undecided rather than the hard-core creationists. On the opening page he compares the teacher of evolution to teacher of Roman history whose class is continually disrupted by a baying pack of ignoramuses who vociferously assert that the Roman empire did not exist. Some might wonder whether less confrontational tone would be more effec- tive in getting the reader on board. I am not so sure. Dawkins gives the example of Wendy Wright, the president of 'Concerned Women for America', who was inter- viewed for the Channel Four documentary The Genius of Charles Darwin. She re- peatedly questions the existence of intermediate fossils, whilst Dawkins repeat- edly ripostes that they are in the museums if only she would care to look. When one listens to Wendy Wright and the many people like her (see some of the risible crea- tionist videos on YouTube) one feels that they are lost cause. However, for anyone who is unsure about the case for evolution and is willing to actually read about the evidence, then The Greatest Show on Earth is brilliant exposition. Each chapter deals with different aspect of the case and then asks how this could be explained by young earth creationism (creationists who believe that

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