AbstractThe initial purpose of the project described herein was to assess the preference of female Poecilia latipinna for an artificial novel male trait—an orange‐colored distal fringe added to the caudal fin of an otherwise wild‐type conspecific. Analysis of the preliminary data revealed consistent individual differences in the strength of female preference for either orange‐tailed or wild‐type males. This finding inspired the study's second aim—to evaluate whether the preference for orange‐tailed males observed among a subset of females could spread via mate choice copying to others in the population that initially preferred wild‐type males. Two experiments and a control were conducted wherein females were simultaneously presented with an orange‐tailed and a wild‐type dummy male using a standard dichotomous choice design. In the first experiment, female preference was assessed on two separate occasions in order to characterize the variability and consistency in preference for orange‐tailed versus wild‐type males. The second experiment addressed mate choice copying: Female preference was again assessed on two separate occasions, but involved pairing a model female with the non‐preferred male for a period of time between preference tests. A third set of control tests were conducted using the same protocol as the copying experiment except that subject females were unable to see the model paired with the non‐preferred male. Results showed that, although females collectively preferred neither the orange‐tailed nor the wild‐type dummy male in the first round of preference tests, the majority showed relatively strong individual preferences. The subset of females that preferred the orange‐tailed over the wild‐type male in the first round of testing all maintained their preferences in the second round whether or not they had observed a model in association with the non‐preferred wild‐type male between tests. However, females that preferred the wild type over the orange male in the first round of testing copied the model's choice of the non‐preferred orange‐tailed male in their second round of preference testing. These results highlight the importance of recognizing the likelihood that only a subset of females will express a preference as it first emerges within a population. In such instances, the preference may not be detected at the population level—a point frequently overlooked in studies of mate choice. Additionally, these data highlight the importance of assessing the preferences of individual females and their capacity to drive evolutionary change within populations. Lastly, this study offers evidence of a possible mechanism by which a novel male trait might spread via mate choice copying by exploiting an emerging sensory bias within a subset of females in the population.
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