
The ENE-tilted Mesta half-graben contains a ∼3-km-thick section of Priabonian (Late Eocene) to Oligocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks that rest unconformably on basement metamorphic rocks along its west side. Basal strata dip 50–60° E and dip at progressively lower angles upward, indicating synrotational deposition. The southern part of the half-graben contains nested volcanic caldera complexes, formed during the deposition of the middle part of the sedimentary sequence, which have been rotated by about half the total rotation of the sedimentary succession. The half-graben is bounded on the east by a fault that steepens from more deeply exposed structural levels in the south (8–18° W) to shallower exposed structural levels in the north (∼70° W) and together with the rotation of Paleogene strata during deposition indicate the Mesta half-graben is underlain by a listric detachment fault, the Mesta detachment. Subhorizontal Middle Miocene strata that unconformably overlie tilted Paleogene strata yield an upper age limit to the extension. West and northwest of the Mesta half-graben are many other NNW-trending NE-tilted Paleogene half-grabens which we suggest are part of an important extended area in SW Bulgaria and eastern Macedonia that lies above one or more west-dipping detachment faults and date the beginning of Aegean extension in the southern Balkan region as at least as old as Priabonian. The Mesta detachment is oblique to the trend of a contemporaneous Paleogene magmatic arc in the southern Balkans and the origin of the detachment is probably related to gravitationally induced spreading of thickened hot arc crust and Hellenic trench roll back.

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