Mannose-labeled epiglycanin was prepared by incubation of TA3-Ha ascites cells with [2- 3H]mannose, removal of the epiglycanin by incubation of viable cells with l-1- p-to-sylamino-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone-trypsin, and isolation of the large epiglycanin glycopeptides by gel filtration. Purification of epiglycanin glycopeptides was performed by wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography. Extensive incubation of epiglycanin with Pronase, followed by passage through a calibrated column of Bio-Gel P-4 (Column P-4), gave three fractions. The fraction of lowest apparent molecular weight, about 5000, upon incubation with a purified extract from F. meningosepticum containing an N-glycosyl hydrolase and an endo- N-acetyl-β- d-glucosaminidase (T. H. Plummer et. al. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10700–10704) and passage through Column P- 4 gave a peak of radioactivity at apparent M r 3000. Incubation of nonlabeled epiglycanin under similar conditions with the same enzyme preparation followed by passage through Column P-4, gave two peaks, based upon total mannose content. One of these, partially deglycosylated epiglycanin, was present in the void volume. Its composition indicated that approximately 80% of the mannose content of epiglycanin had been removed by the enzyme treatment, whereas no change was noted in the proportion of the other carbohydrate components. The effluent volume of the second peak coincided precisely with the peak obtained from the Pronase-cleaved fraction. Its composition and apparent M r were consistent with those of an N-lactosamine-type chain with four antennae, Man 3Gal 4GlcNAc 5NeuAc 2–3.
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