
A geological traverse across the Aldan shield along the Aldan River shows that the area is underlain by two distinct rock associations. The Middle Aldan association consists of metasedimentary rocks, mainly quartzite, that have been intruded by a potassic biotite granite. Downstream, north of the Middle Aldan association, lies the Lower Aldan association, which consists mostly of charnockite with rafts of older granulite gneiss that contains abundant metasedimentary layers. UPb dating of zircons from the Middle Aldan association granite (1900 Ma) and Lower Aldan association charnockite (maximum age 1918 Ma) and granitic gneiss (maximum age 2230 Ma) shows that the majority of the rocks exposed along the Aldan River are Proterozoic in age. Although they have Proterozic crystallization ages, the granite, granite gneiss and charnockite yield Archean Nd model ages, suggesting that they formed by remobilization—that is, partial or complete remelting—of earlier Archean crust. In contrast, pelitic gneisses included within the charnockites of the Lower Aldan association give Proterozoic Nd model ages, indicating that a substantial amount of Proterozoic rock is incorporated within the Lower Aldan association. The present results show that the rocks along the Aldan River, which are part of the Aldan block, display a significantly different history from those in the Olekma block to the west. The Olekma block contains ca 3.0 Ga greenstone belts Late Archean amphibolite-grade granitic gneisses; the Proterozoic remobilization that typifies the Aldan terrane is absent. The Olekma block was thrust under the Aldan block during the ca 1.9 Ga orogeny contemporaneous with, or slightly after the 1.9 Ga charnockitic event in the Aldan. The 1.9 Ga magmatic and granulite event seen in the Aldan is similar in age and character to the Thelon magmatic zone of northern Canada. This correlation allows the development of a preferred construction for the Precambrian Laurentia-Siberia connection in which the present day southern portion of the Siberia platform was connected to the northern margin of Laurentia.

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