
A rubric is a measurement tool used in assessment that recognizes the criteria for completing the tasks and provides standards for each level of performance. The use of rubrics enables educators to formulate standards and explicit grading for the students. Moreover, it provides clear guidelines to the learners regarding task expectations. Improvement in nursing research has made implementing evidence-based practice feasible for nursing students. The adoption of evidence-based care process is relatively slow in the context of nursing and there is a gap in implementing evidencebased practice in a clinical setting. The culture of evidence-based care can be adopted by enhancing the student nurses' knowledge, skills, and attitude (DiCenso et al., 1998). Educators need to formulate their teaching and assessment methodologies in a way to compel their students for achieving cognitive thinking. The higher level of competencies may be inculcated in students through involving and assessing them in evidence-based, rationalized methodologies to enhance their level of critical thinking, skills, independence, and decision-making in the provision of care. The guidelines developed for the assessment of nursing students' Evidence-Based Practice need further modification with clear measurement and level of quality for reaching each level of performance. A composite analytic rubric is suggested to use when educators assess complex skills and clinical performance of nursing students. It provides complete feedback and reduces subjectivity to a great extent due to its comprehensive dimensions. It provides a common basis of judgment, and justification in feedback and enables the teacher to make a fair, valid, and reliable judgment. Moreover, it helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses and formulate their efforts for improvement.

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