
Explanatory note by N. W. Cummings—The original paper as submitted by Messrs. Kennedy contained an explanation of the terms of the energy‐equation which duplicated in large measure that presented by me at the Pasadena meeting. At the suggestion of Mr. Harding these and some other parts of the paper have been deleted or condensed, and at the suggestion of R. E. Kennedy, I took a few liberties in making some other minor changes.No computations have been changed or omitted, and it is believed that all are substantially correct, although time did not permit a complete check. There may be some slight mistakes in s. for the pan. Mr. Kennedy has made use of Richardson's equation for back‐radiation, using Fahrenheit temperatures and B.t.u's. per square inch for a 30.4‐day month instead of Centigrade temperatures and calories per square centimeter per minute.

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