
The 8-Week Learning Recovery Program is a program meant to address learning loss and close the gap from current skills to expected literacy and numeracy skills that would help early-grade learners progress better. This is done trough a series of lectures and activities in literacy and numeracy. This study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Program in Taytay Elementary School, Goa, Camarines Sur by looking at the pretest and posttest results in the reading performance of the Grade 3 learners in English, Filipino, and Mother tongue. Using quasi-experimental research methods with two groups under investigation, Grade 3 section A pupils as the experimental group and Grade 3 section B pupils as the control group, paired-sample t-tests show that after the intervention, Grade 3 section A pupils had shown higher reading competencies in English, Filipino and Mother tongue than Grade 3 section B pupils under the control group. After analyzing the data, the Filipino subject got the highest scores, followed by MTB-MLE and English. This improvement can be attributed to the effectiveness of the reading intervention program. With this, intervention programs like the 8-Week LRC should be sustained and others with similar features that address learning gaps may be implemented as well.

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