
Well water is one of the most accessible and indispensable sources for populations that do not have access to the public water supply network. This must be free from pathogenic microorganisms so that it is considered of good quality for consumption. The lack of monitoring of water sources and the population's ignorance of the causes and problems associated with contamination can lead people to acquire several waterborne diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of thermotolerant coliforms in water used for human consumption in seven wells in the state of Alagoas, using the most probable number (MPN) technique. Seven water samples were collected and analyzed in two communities, 5 in a community located in the Alagoas Forest zone and 2 in the Alagoas wild. According to the microbiological analyzes carried out in this work, the results showed that the water used by communities in the interior of the state of Alagoas, was identified as an important risk factor to the health of the population, since all water sources analyzed present indices of total coliforms and E. coli above those allowed for human consumption. Regarding irrigation, only 43% of the samples are suitable for irrigation.

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