
Remote sensing is a powerful tool for monitoring spatiotemporal variations of crop health status in terms of morpho- physiology status helping for precision farming. In comparison with multispectral, hyperspectral imaging with narrow bands are capable of acquiring a subtle variation in spectral response of target crop like garlic under high CO2 and temperature conditions. The present results indicate the potential of spectral information for evaluating various stress conditions as well as status of crop conditions through the use of band rationing technique, mainly NDVI in comparison to the use of individual spectral bands. The present investigation revealed that plant grown under CTGT II (550 ppm CO2 + 4°C elevation of temperature) shows significantly good health in all garlic varieties with high LAD and NDVI. On the other hand, the higher temperature stress treatment brought about significant reduction in the LAD and NDVI. This adverse effect was lesser under CTGT II than CTGT III which indicated that all varieties, Ekfutia Assam in particular, exhibited certain degree of tolerance against high temperature stress. Hyperspectral remote sensing technique acts as an important tool in real time monitoring, early warning and quick damage assessment due to various abiotic stresses.

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