
The problem of economic growth has always been central to the discussions not only of professional economists, but also of politicians and public figures. This issue is of particular urgency for Russia in the period of geopolitical turbulence, which is strengthened by the tendencies of protectionism in international trade. In addition, there is a different dynamics of economic growth, its quality, both in the sectoral and regional sections. In this regard, the analysis of the influence of the main factors contributing to economic growth, qualitative change in the structure of gross domestic product (GDP), gross regional product (GRP), has a significant applied value. Priorities of innovative quality of growth that require large-scale investments are stated in Strategy-2020 and in “Strategy of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030”.Without assessing the role of the investment resource, it is impossible to determine the strategies for the country's social and economic development, to develop and implement general state, sectoral and regional programs. One approach that makes it possible to quantify the degree of influence of such key factors of economic growth as investments and incomes of the population, including the average monthly wage, is based on the use of econometric models and economic interpretation of the coefficients of the models obtained

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