Objective. Evaluate the efficacy of the treatment of purulent skin and soft tissue wounds using modern interactive dressings and conventional wound care dressings. Material and methods. The study included 160 patients, who were treated at the outpatient department of the Clinic of the SamGMU for the period from September 2018 to January 2019 after an autopsy, necrosectomy and drainage of purulent foci in the surgical hospital. Group I (n = 82) included patients, who applied Sorbalgon® interactive dressing (Paul Hartmann, Germany) during the first phase of the wound healing and Branolind® N atraumatic mesh dressing (Paul Hartmann, Germany) during the second phase of the wound healing for topical treatment of wounds in the postoperative period. Patients of Group II (n = 78) applied ointment dressings using Levomekol ointment during the first phase of the wound healing and Methyluracil ointment during the second phase of the wound healing. Patients in both groups received the same broad spectrum antibacterial therapy. In Group I, the dressings were applied once per 2 days, in Group II the dressings were applied on a daily basis. The researchers studied the following indicators: the nature of the wound discharge; the presence of edema and hyperemia of tissues; timing of the wound defect cleansing; temperature and leukocyte reactions of the body; crops on microflora and sensitivity to antibiotic therapy. Results. The study showed more pronounced dynamics of the temperature reaction normalization, reduction of the local inflammatory reaction and the leukocytosis level in patients of Group I. The wound cleansing from pus and fibrin, the development of granulation tissue on Day 5 were reported in 87.8% of patients of Group I and in 35.9% of patients of Group II, on Day 10 in 100% and 88.5% of patients, respectively. Conclusion. The use of Sorbalgon® and Branolind® N dressings improves the results of treatment of patients with purulent soft tissues pathology and reduces the risk for secondary infection, and improves the quality of life due to increase of interval between the dressings.
The study included 160 patients, who were treated at the outpatient department of the Clinic of the SamGMU for the period from September 2018 to January 2019 after an autopsy, necrosectomy and drainage of purulent foci in the surgical hospital
In Group I, the dressings were applied once per 2 days, in Group II the dressings were applied on a daily basis
The wound cleansing from pus and fibrin, the development of granulation tissue on Day 5 were reported in 87.8% of patients of Group I and in 35.9% of patients of Group II, on Day 10 in 100% and 88.5% of patients, respectively
Нами проведен анализ лечения 160 пациентов, обратившихся в поликлиническое отделение Клиники СамГМУ за период с сентября 2018 г. по январь 2019 г. В I группу (n = 82) были включены пациенты с четными номерами амбулаторных карт, которым в послеоперационном периоде для местного лечения ран применялись перевязочные материалы фирмы «Пауль Хартманн» – Sorbalgon® в первую фазу раневого процесса и Branolind® N во вторую фазу раневого процесса. Во II группу (n = 78) были включены пациенты с нечетными номерами амбулаторных карт, которым в послеоперационном периоде для местного лечения ран применялись мазевые повязки с мазью Левомеколь в первую фазу раневого процесса и с мазью Метилурацил во вторую фазу раневого процесса. В динамике изучались следующие показатели: характер раневого отделяемого; наличие отека и гиперемии тканей вокруг раны; сроки очищения раневого дефекта; температурная реакция организма; лейкоцитарная реакция; выполнялись посевы на микрофлору и чувствительность к антибактериальной терапии на 1, 5, 10 сут после проведенного оперативного вмешательства. В 11,8% наблюдений видовой состав флоры был представлен ассоциацией из 2 микроорганизмов
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