
In order to study the possibility of using a sorption-metabolic feed additive for poultry and assessing its metabolic activity, randomized controlled studies were carried out in a poultry farm located in the Leningrad region. The object of the study were chickens of the Cobb-500 cross, from which groups No. 1 (control, n = 57) were formed, in which the chickens received only the main diet (OR, mixed feed), No. 2 (n = 55) - in addition to the OR, they were given feed additive “Bubitan TM” and No. 3 - (n=60), where a combination feed additive and a sorptionmetabolic feed additive (SMFA) were specified. The results obtained were subjected to statistical processing using specialized PC programs. In this case, the arithmetic mean and its standard error were determined, and the intergroup difference was assessed using the student’s t test. In addition, the absolute (AP) and relative (RR) increase in body weight of the bird was calculated. The results obtained showed that the sorptionmetabolic feed additive does not have a negative effect on the body of broiler chickens. It is advisable to use both feed additives under study to correct metabolism. However, as the results of the study showed against the backdrop of the SMKD garden, there is a higher safety of birds and growth potential than when using a comparable product. Thus, the sorption-metabolic feed additive developed by the staff of the department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of St. Petersburg State University of Medicine and LLC "EcoGroup" (Russia) does not have a harmful effect on the body of broiler chickens and is acceptable for use in poultry farming as a means for optimizing metabolism and leveling its disorders, for stimulating growth and increasing the safety of poultry.

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