
The personnel are the base of the success of the company in achieving to the competitive advantages and creation of the value added; so they should be behaved as an important and critical strategic resource. Therefore, the business strategy in today organizations is focused on the human resources. Enabling the personnel or involving the personnel in the organizational decisions, is a necessary management tool in order to control and conduct the human resources for increasing the efficiency. Also this should be noticed that although considering the enabling of the personnel can result in increasing the self-confidence of the personnel and improving their performance, but considering other issues such as occupational satisfaction and organizational commitment can have an important role in improvement of the performance and increasing the motive of the personnel. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the relation between enabling, organizational commitment and the occupational satisfaction from a strategic point of view for the personnel who work in Samsung Corporation during 1391-1392. The present study in term of the objective is an operational and functional research and in term of the methodology it is a field finding research. The method used in the present study is the correlation method. The field (questionnaire) and library methods are used in order to collect data. For 35 professional and special questions in the questionnaire the five-item scale is used and for the questions related to sex, age and education level, the nominal scale is used. In the present study four variables namely the enabling, occupational satisfaction, occupational view and organizational commitment are considered, and the correlations between these four variables were investigated separately. The statistical population for the present study is a limited one, and includes all of the personnel is Samsung Corporation which is 220 employees. The framework for sampling in the present study is the list of the whole personnel working in Samsung Corporation and the employees complete the questionnaires personally. In order to define the population volume and size with regard to the sampling framework, the suitable formulae was used, and 136 employees was defined as the size of the population, after distributing the questionnaires, 134 of them were returned and collected. The sampling method used in this research is a non-random judicativesampling. In the present study, the Spearman Correlation Coefficient is used in order to investigate the hypotheses and the significance and meaningfulness of the correlations between the variables in each of the hypotheses is investigated with this coefficient. The correlation coefficient for the enabling and occupational satisfaction variables was -0.391, and for the enabling and the organizational commitment variables was 0.253, and for the enabling and the occupational view variables was 0.495, and for the occupational view and the organizational commitment variables was 0.401, and for the occupational view and the occupational satisfaction variables was 0.594, and for the organizational commitment and the occupational satisfaction was 0.412.

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