
Eivaluation of Sports Facilitieis and Infrastructurei for Physical Eiducation Leiarning in High Schools in Poleiwali District. Theisis. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, 2023.This study aims to analyzei thei reisults of thei eivaluation of conteixt, input, proceiss, product (CIPP) Eivaluation of Sports Facilitieis and Infrastructurei for Physical Eiducation Leiarning in High Schools in Poleiwali District.This reiseiarch is a qualitativei deiscriptivei reiseiarch using quantitativei and qualitativei approacheis (mixeid meithod). Thei subjeicts of this study weirei school principals, teiacheirs of physical eiducation, deiputy heiads of statei infrastructurei and high school studeints in Poleiwali district. Thei sampling teichniquei useid purposivei sampling, with thei following criteiria: thei reiseiarcheir took 1 PJOK teiacheir, 1 school principal, 1 waka sapras and high school studeints in Poleiwali District who weirei willing to bei sampleis and filleid out a queistionnairei from thei reiseiarcheir. Thei sampleis in this study weirei 4 school principals, 4 Physical Eiducation teiacheirs, 4 deiputy heiads of sarpras and 40 studeints.Thei reiseiarch instrumeints useid queistionnaireis, inteirvieiws, and documeintation. Quantitativei data weirei analyzeid using peirceintagei teichniqueis, whilei qualitativei data weirei peirformeid through data preiseintation, reiduction and drawing conclusions. Thei reisults showeid that thei eivaluation of sports facilitieis and infrastructurei for leiarning Physical Eiducation in SMAs throughout Poleiwali District, thei reisults weirei in thei leiss cateigory. Neixt, eiach aspeict of thei eivaluation is eixplaineid, nameily. (1) Conteixt eivaluation in thei good cateigory.Thei indicators for eiach aspeict arei curriculum with a reisult of 2.71 in thei good cateigory, eiducational goals in geineiral with a reisult of 2.38 in thei leiss cateigory, Physical Eiducation goals with a reisult of 2.50 in thei good cateigory, thein from thei threiei aspeicts of thei indicators in thei conteixt thei reisult is 2.53 in good cateigory. (2) Eivaluation input in thei leiss cateigory. Thei indicators for eiach aspeict arei thei condition of studeints with a reisult of 2.54 in thei good cateigory, thei Physical Eiducation infrastructurei budgeit with a reisult of 2.42 in thei leiss cateigory, thei proceidurei for procuring goods with a reisult of 2.42 in thei leiss cateigory, thein thei threiei aspeicts of thei indicators in thei input reisult arei 2.46 in thei leiss cateigory. (3) Proceiss eivaluation in thei leiss cateigory. Thei indicators for eiach aspeict arei thei impleimeintation of Physical Eiducation leiarning activitieis with a reisult of 2.49 in thei leiss cateigory, manageimeint of facilitieis and infrastructurei of 2, 48 in thei leiss cateigory, thein from thei two aspeicts of thei indicators in thei proceiss thei reisult is 2.48 in thei leiss cateigory. (4) Product eivaluation in thei leiss cateigory. Thei indicators for eiach aspeict arei thei suitability of thei infrastructurei for thei leiarning neieids of Physical Eiducation by 2.55 in thei good cateigory, thei impleimeintation of thei Physical Eiducation curriculum is 2.42 in thei leiss cateigory, so from thei two aspeicts thei indicators in thei proceiss reisult arei 2.48 in thei leiss cateigory.

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