
Purpose. Space-time assessment of potential atmospheric meteorological Poltava region. Methods. according to V. Baranovsky, cartography. Results. Based on the analysis of spatial and temporal differences meteorological parameters in 2014 calculated meteorological potential for all regions of the Poltava region in terms of months. Determined that the lowest self-cleaning capacity of the atmosphere observed during the summer season in the southern region. This process determines the prevailing accumulation of harmful substances in the air. The highest self-cleaning ability of the atmosphere and the resulting domination processes of dispersion of pollution, mainly observed in winter in the northern and central regions. Cartographic work contained in Article lets you make spatial distribution of meteorological evaluation capacity throughout the year and adjust accordingly, emissions of air pollutants. Conclusions. Appropriate to recommend the construction of industrial plants and factories in the north, where their activities will cause less damage to the environment. Do not place the company in Velykobahachanskoho, Mirgorodskomu and Zinkivskomu areas as natural environment of these areas are the most favorable for recreation and health and medical institutions.

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