
Colloids are of vital role for improving the quality of foods including that of psyllium, locust bean and pectin which is found in orange peel albedo. These colloids are also of value for clinical nutrition. The last opinion could be confirmed by the chemical analysis which revealed that locust bean seeds had higher total phenolic compounds (485.28 mg/100 g) while psyllium seeds (297.54 mg/100 g) and orange peel albedo (246.11 mg/100 g) showed nearly the same level. Major phenolic compound was pyrogallol for locust bean, being cholchecein for other two colloids sources. Total flavonoid compounds were higher for psyllium seeds (536.46 mg/100 g) and locust bean seed (275.76 mg/100 g), being less for orange peel albedo (113.65 mg/100 g); major flavonoid in all sources was the hesperidin. The best eating qualities recoded for psyllium sausage followed by locust bean sausage. Generally, all three colloids sources improved the eating quality of beef sausage. Plasticity confirmed the results of sensory evaluation where the best sample was that of psyllium sausage. Higher pH value after 6 months storage at-18oC was in line with the best Water Holding Capacity (WHC) and plasticity levels recorded for psyllium sausage. Color intensity and TBA value were best for locust been followed by psyllium treatments. The lowest color intensity was in line with the highest TBA value. The keeping quality was better when adding the tested colloids; TVN, TBA value, Total Bacterial Count (TBC), Yeast and Mold (Y and M) count was lowest for psyllium followed by locust bean treatment. Other colloids showed the same trend but at lower degree.

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