
The use of protective chemicals on ware tubers can render it unfit for consumption as tubers undergo little processes before consumption. Hitherto, there is no effective control measure to manage this disease (Pectobactrium ssp); therefore, selection of some plant extracts for the management the disease will be the preferred option. The objective of the study therefore was to evaluate some plant materials for the management of tuber soft rot bacteria induced by pectobacterium ssp . Aqueous extracts of neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss), Eucalyptus leaves ( Eucalyptus citrodorus (L )), Lemon grass ( Cymbopogon citratus (Stapf)), Garlic bulb ( Allium sativum (linn)), Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) (Roscoe)) and Aloe vera were evaluated for the management of bacterial soft rot of some tubers (cocoyam, Irish potato, sweet cassava, sweet potato and white) induced by Erwinia spp. Two methods involving in vitro and tuber assays were used. Lemon grass, garlic, Aloe vera , neem extracts and borax salt had the greatest inhibitory effect on Pectobacterium spp., and therefore recommended for the management of tuber soft rot bacteria.

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