Abstract The efficacy of selected insecticides and application methods for management of RIFA in no-till sorghum was evaluated in two tests at the Macon Ridge Branch of the Northeast Research Station in Franklin Parish, LA. Both tests were planted in a Gigger silt loam (pH = 5.0, 1.4% organic matter) in an area that had been covered with a hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) winter cover crop. Plots consisting of 4 rows (40 inch centers) by 35 ft were planted on 28 Apr in a RCB with 4 replications. Lorsban 4EC and Asana XL were applied as in-furrow sprays at planting (IFSAP) with a CO2 charged system calibrated to deliver 5 gpa at 35 psi through 8002E flat fan nozzles (1/row). Lorsban 4EC and Asana XL were also applied as pre-emergence surface sprays (PRE) with a CO2 charged system calibrated to delvier 10 gpa at 35 psi through 8001 flat fan nozzles (1/row) in a 20 inch band immediately post-plant. Other insecticide treatments were applied either as in-furrow granules at planting (IFGAP), T-banded granules at planting (T-BAND) or seed treatments (SEEDT). RIFA numbers were estimated on 11 May by placing an unruled index card (3 × 5 inches) baited with peanut butter in each plot and recording the no. of ants attracted after 3 h. Plant stand densities were recorded on 19 May by sampling the entire 2 center rows in each plot. Plant heights were estimated on 25 May by measuring 20 plants in each plot. Sorghum seed yields were recorded on 15 Aug by harvesting the 2 center rows of each plot.
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