The present study examined the potential of someroughing filter media, prepared from locally availablematerials in removing organic matter and turbidityfrom surface water. Also, the study included testingthe efficiency of roughing filter followed by slowsand filter in minimizing the suspended load on thesubsequent water treatment steps. Based onmicroorganisms removal and turbidity data, filtermedia consisted of three layers of gravel ranked topamong six of the media tested, showing 84–100%removal for chlorophyll ‘a’ green algae, blue-greenalgae, diatoms, total algal count, bacterial count (at22 and 37 °C), total coliforms, faecal coliform,faecal streptococci, yeast and Candida albicans.Using slow sand filter after roughing filter improvedthe percentage removal of turbidity, where it reachedup to 83% after roughing filter while it reached 92%after slow sand filter. From the view point ofaesthetic quality of the filtered water, the resultsof the analyzed physico-chemical parameters showed nochange before and after the use of the roughing andslow sand filters.
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