
Kyzylorda region is the main rice-growing region of Kazakhstan. Here are cultivated around 80-85% of crops of this culture of its total area. There were disbursed, mainly, old staled and new earth, characterized by the low, rarely moderate salinity. Keeping up 12-15 cm layer of water in a rice draught in the post-tilling to waxen ripeness does not provide a favorable thermal and saline soil and water regimes. Temperature regime of water in a rice draught is determined by climatic conditions of the region and the depth of water on crops. In conditions of extreme continental climate of Syr-Darya water layer at a depth of 12-15 cm in the water warms up the draught 31,0 - 32,5°C, which negatively affects the growth and development of rice plants and its yield. Favorable thermal regime of water is observed at a depth of 17-22 cm, and here we have the necessary salt regime of irrigated soils. Therefore, maintaining the draught in paddy water layer depth of 17-22 cm provides favorable salt and thermal regimes of water and soil.

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