
Processes cell differentiation and dedifferentiation are included in the development of biotechnology protocols to promote somatic embryogenesis as an alternative to the in vitro propagation of plants, somatic embryos may be an excellent strategy for both propagation and conservation of fossil species such as cycads. They were evaluated in vitro with different strategies, morphogenic responses associated with obtaining somatic embryos of C. revolute. calli of megagametophytes, subsequently subcultured in four combinations of basic salts of Murashige and Skoog (1962) MS, with the addition of benzyladenine (BA), and 2, dichlorophenoxyacetic (2,4-D) were used, and kinetin (K), and picloram. In the results, It was possible to characterize potentially embryogenic callus, evaluating the levels of both cellular differentiation, necrosis, texture and color; and increases mass or weight considered to start differentiation or proembryogenic or globular type. Calli were subcultured in a medium containing MS salts, incorporating abscisic acid (ABA) in 0, 0.38, 1.13, 3.78 and 5.67 uM doses influenced both the production and maturation of somatic embryos. Embryonic structures, presented a pink coloration characteristic strongly associated towards maturity. The effect of combinations of BA, Kin, 2,4-D, GA3 and ANA influenced the development and germination of mature somatic embryos. And the combination of 1.36 mM 2,4-D+4.44 uM BA promoted the appearance of calluses with a compact texture, characteristic related to their embryogenic potential. The purpose of this research in Cycas sp was to contribute to the study of the in vitro morphogenic responses of this group of plants. And somatic embryogenesis, will allow the obtaining and multiplication as well as its preservation of Cycas sp. Gender that is evolutionary very important

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