
Food poisoning is a disease caused by bacterial, viral or parasitic infections, which contaminate food. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the detection of the primer pair of fimC Salmonella typhi genes using the Real-time PCR methods for the rapid kit development. The evaluation of the primer ability is determined by the accumulation of fluorescence signal from the amplification curve connecting the number of Cycle threshold (Ct) to the intensity of the amplicon signal that can reach the threshold line. The results showed that the primer fimC gene successfully amplifies the S. typhi DNA target fragment on Ct 14.783. In addition, the Ct data from this study also informed that the primer sensitivity of the fimC gene against the target S. typhi bacteria gave a minimum detection rate of 4,528 pg/μL, and the primer specificity evaluation of that primer to non-targeted bacteria Shigella dysenteriae gave Ct 27,949. Based on the data it can be concluded that fimC S. typhi primers gene can be used as sensitive and fast detection devices, but still require improvement in the specificity.

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