
The Haji Hospital Medan’s implementation of SMK3 is not in accordance with the Standard Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 66 of 2016, where the Haji Hospital Medan still has problems implementing the Occupational Health and Safety system, and does not yet have a supervisor to supervise so that OHS-Hospital reporting and recording goes well. The researcher intends to examine the OHS-Hospital management system's inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes at Haji Hospital Medan. The descriptive research approach was observational in nature, requiring field observations. In-depth interviews were used in qualitative research. The study's findings indicated that if there were clear SOPs and rules, the input from the OHS-Hospital management system at Haji Hospital Medan was good, the process of the OHS-Hospital management system at Haji Hospital Medan itself was not optimal where there was still a lack of Human Resources in the OHS-Hospital field and lack of concern employees of the OHS-Hospital program so that the OHS-Hospital program does not run optimally, The output of the OHS-Hospital management system at Medan Haji General Hospital has not worked optimally, where recording and reporting do not go well, therefore the output of the OHS-Hospital management system at Medan Haji Hospital Medan has become unsatisfactory, because many of the programs are not functioning as they should.Conclusion The OHS-Hospital Management System at Haji Hospital Medan was still lacking and not fully running well. It was recommended to increase guidance and supervision so that health workers are willing to carry out the program in accordance with the SOP that has been set.

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