
Science and technology (S&T) is the engine and innovation and entrepreneurship is jet engine to sustainable development, and they are also the major solution to the socio-economic progresses, growths and crisis. Science, technology and innovation are connected rings in synergy chain of science and wealth. Looking back at the growth and development histories, most major revolution was closely linked with transformative breakthrough in S&T, which had a far-reaching impact on the rise and fall of a nation and the destiny of a country as well. The countries that were able to seize the opportunity and achieve the socio-economic take-off, had taken the lead in fulfilling development. Iran's national S&T (higher education, research and technology system) policies, including 6 main titles 34 subtitles, have approved on September 2014. These policies define and present the position of Iran's higher education, research and technology in dimensions of inputs, processes and outputs, and their interactions with other political, economical, social, cultural systems and world. Also, the policies show the position of Iran's S&T in the long term. In this study, based on the approved and formal policies, the existing situation and performance of the S&T has investigated by analytical method with using focus group technique. With referral to the evaluation can find the situation of S&T in Iran towards the future. By full fulfilling the S&T policies is expected that Iran reach to better level and position in S&T, innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge-based and sustainable development. The country faces with serious challenges to access to global better position, knowledge-based economy, innovation and entrepreneurship. Of course, Iran has achieved good experiences and developments in S&T field, particularly high and new technologies.

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