
Abstract— A method for evaluation of the contrast of moving step‐grating patterns under smooth‐pursuit eye‐tracking conditions without imaging data acquisition and image analysis is introduced. Periodic optical responses of the display to a set of simple driving signals have been recorded at a fixed location, and the luminance vs. time data has been evaluated to obtain two types of contrast for characterization of the dynamical performance of the display under test: the frame‐convoluted contrast and the frame‐integrated contrast. The relation of this characterization with respect to modulation transfer functions from impulse responses and to the dynamic modulation transfer function from sine‐gratings is explained and discussed. The approach described here provides a detailed and comprehensive characterization of the dynamical properties of electronic displays including both extreme cases of step‐response and impulse‐response with quantities that are related to visual perception. With this type of evaluation, the visual resolution of displays can be described by the same characteristics in the static and the dynamic case. The method is attractive due to limited instrumental efforts and the transparent method of evaluation.

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