
The results of the study of the basic physical, chemical, microbiological and hydrochemical characteristics of water ponds for growing freshwater fish. Data analysis hydrochemical regime studied ponds throughout the observation period showed that it was relatively stable fluctuated within small and do not exceed the maximum allowable substances in water. PH of water management ponds research ranged 6.1 – 7.5. Nitrites and nitrates were also in small concentrations that do not exceed regulatory and amounted to 0.1 mg N/l and 1.1 mg N/l. Established in the summer studied water samples contained more E.coli, than in the spring and autumn months and had a circle–titer less than 0.1 in 18.3% of cases. Indicator KMAFAnM water was almost 13 times higher in summer compared to spring and autumn. KilkistE.coli fall in surface water was on average within 1 – 3 CFU / cm3, and in the summer 6– 9. In the bottom water kilkistE.coli autumn was on average within 0 – 1 CFU / cm3, and in the summer 5 – 9 cfu / cm3. Indicator Value KMAFAnM in the mud was higher than the value in the bottom water fall nearly 210 times in the summer – in 417 times.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

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