
In specific this work focuses on designing and developing a trial model first of its kind which is chemically non reactive using Urea Formaldehyde (UF) and a value added flat board that is to be prepared from solid waste. The display setup is to be monitored by Arduino Controller which incorporates the assessment of numerical factors and measurable compositions in the board. The compilation of manufactured goods from organic waste is a course of development network that is centrally operated by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tools. Preservation of database from the organic fraction is managed through software guidelines, the fifth generation radio technology with lower economic can cover communication over a larger radio spectrum with the support of ultra high frequency RFID Tags and systems, which assure the most favourable management of valuable products from the storage unit. Sensors attached with board and cloud platform supports collection of data from the huge solid waste yard. The current leachate management has a desire to suggest a strong resolution in handling solid waste that is elaborated with a novel methodology, where we suggest the radiofrequency identification of leachate monitoring by the use of modern versions of unmanned aerial vehicle the drones. At some stage in neutralizing the toxic waste the risk of life may be eliminated and accumulated waste were identified and with the support of advanced techniques and instruments like drones are used in managing wastes.

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