
Differential item functioning is an approach that is widely used to find out items that are bias. This study investigated items that are bias using differential item functioning approach in relation to gender, school ownership (private and public schools) and school location (urban and rural schools) using National Examinations Council (NECO) Economics questions for June/July 2022/2022. The research design employed in this study was exposit facto research design. The study sample comprised students in Taraba State, Nigeria. One Hundred (100) students were used for study. And the test contains 60 items which was administered to the students. Logistic regression was used to analysis the data. The research findings showed that out of sixty items in NECO Economics questions 11 items were biased in relation to gender, 7 items were biased in relation to school ownership and 9 items in relation to school location. The implication of these findings is that NECO economics examinations questions have presences of differential item functioning (DIF). From the result of the findings, it was then recommended that test experts and developers should explore the use of DIF approach to detect biased items.

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