
Abstract Tests were conducted to determine the intrinsic activity and potential usefulness of deposits of several experimental and commercial insecticides against German cockroaches. Filter paper and glass were treated with liquid so that 1% preparations provided 0.08 mg ai/cm2 (74 mg/ft2). Aerosols were sprayed to visible dampness (ca 4 sec spray/ft2) and dusts were applied at 14.6 cc/ft2 only on filter paper. Acetone solutions of pyrethrin and resmethrin chemically enclosed (i.e. included) in cyclodextrin were prepared from material formulated in Japan by Dr. I. Yamamoto. Each treatment was tested against 3-5 replicates of 10 adult ♂ German cockroaches (UCR Normal). The mean time required to produce 50% KD (KT-50) was determined for deposits 18 hr old and 28 days old. Diazinon 4E served as a standard in most of the tests. The performance of each test toxicant on each substrate and age was compared to the activity of Diazinon by establishing a ratio of their KT-50 values. Simulated efficacy and repellency tests were performed in standard wooden choice boxes which have 2 compartments separated by a partition. The masonite floor of the dark compartment (0.5 ft2) was treated with 3 ml liquid, 10 cc of powder or was sprayed to dampness with aerosol.

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