
Abstract Sweet corn was direct seeded into 2 rows per 6-ft beds on 2 Jun 1996 and maintained with standard cultural practices at the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station at Tifton. A total of 490 lb/A of 10-10-10 were applied to sandy clay loam field plots and irrigation regularly with an overhead sprinkler system. Scouting was initiated on 27 Jun and continued weekly until harvest. Seven weekly applications of insecticide were made from 2 Jul to 13 Aug and 10 stalks were scouted per plot 96–120 h after each application. Small (lst-3rd instar) and large (4th-6th instar) larvae of corn earworm and fall armyworm were recorded per 5-stalk sample. Corn was harvested from 20 stalks on 20 Aug and ears were categorized as severely, slightly, or not damaged and percentage of marketable corn was estimated as the percent of ears with no or only slight damage. Data was analyzed using ANOVA and LSD tests for separation of means (SAS).

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